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I have a question...

Some usual questions I'm often asked

If there's anything I've missed, do let me know. I’d love to hear from you.

What is Pilates? Is it like yoga?

Pilates and yoga can both be carried out on a mat, and both incorporate the use of the breath; that's where the similarities end. 

Pilates focuses on strengthening the core in order to protect the back, by using a series of exercises that work the entire body in different planes of movement. Whilst we rely on using body weight as resistance, Pilates encourages the use of very deep muscles that support our skeleton, and therefore promote an improved posture.


Is Pilates boring?

Quite the opposite; whilst I might be done for copyright, the phrase 'Once you Pilates, you just can't stop!' comes to mind. The feeling you get, even after just one session is addictive. Many of my clients come in with a lot of stress, and leave standing taller, with lowered shoulders, and a beaming smile. Your body really does feel very grateful.
Of course, once you've mastered the basic elements, we can add in some Pilates props to spice things up, or because they add additional resistance, focus and challenges.

I'm not flexible, so can I do Pilates?

I'm not sure who created this concern, but time to dispel this myth! As long as you can move, and there's no reason why you shouldn't exercise - then Pilates is for you!

I want to be flexible, so how many sessions do I need?

Again, myth busting time! 
Can you bend your knees, flex your arms, reach up or down? The likely answer is yes, and therefore - you're already flexible! Yes, some people are more limber than others, but it's not necessarily always a good thing. The body has its limitations, and if we try to push ourselves harder than necessary (just because it would be cool for Instagram to show our legs above our head), then we risk serious injury and chronic pain!

Will Pilates help me to lose weight?

Whilst weight is a very personal topic, the honest answer is that Pilates is a great friend to cardiovascular activities, which typically enable the burning of fat. Whilst Pilates won't leave you breathless (okay, with the exception of the Hundred exercise), what it does do is gets those muscles working! You'll feel leaner, stronger and taller. A new and improved posture does wonders!

It's a bit girly, and therefore just for women?

History time! The inventor of Pilates was Mr Joseph Pilates. A former boxer, who during the war, used improvised hospital beds to rehabilitate soldiers. If Mr Pilates was around now, he'd be the first to show you how his incredible method of exercise is certainly not just for girls!

Can I try reformer Pilates, even though I've never done mat based Pilates?

Absolutely! Both forms incorporate Pilates principles, and there are exercises which can be done both during mat-work and whilst using a reformer. Some people prefer the support and challenge of a reformer, whilst others favour a dynamic workout on the mat. Both are great, and will have you eager for more!

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